Live Painting + Live Music + Live Video
Ex Macelli, Montepulciano, Italy, 2011; Noir Festival, Zagreb, Croatia, 2012
Created by Danijel Zezelj, Jessica Lurie and Marco Molinelli
with partecipation of Rober Kainar
Promo video:
Video created by Marco Molinelli
CUORE (Heart)
Live Music + Live Painting + Live Video
Jessica Lurie + Danijel Zezelj + Marco Molinelli
Cuore (Heart) is a multimedia performance that merges live music, live painting and live video into an unique language of stage narration. It is a cycle of 6 stories divided in 7 chapters, and all linked by the heart as a central symbol of the human condition. Exploring the balance between love, loss and the will to survive and connect, Cuore's narrative thread follows stories of two separated lovers, a prison surviver, a widow, and a homeless man, joined in a complete and multi-faceted work.
The stories are told through prerecorded voices, combined with miniature toy theater scenes projected live on the stage-wide screen. The live music soundtrack is composed and arranged specifically for each chapter. A series of seven live paintings gradually evolving from abstract into figurative forms closes the narrative cycle.